Task Description:

Find Atom Probe Tomography research on catalytic alloys and nanoparticles.

In particular investigate oxidised and/or reduced metallic samples.

Also investigate if is there any segregation happening in nanoparticles, and details of the sample preparation.

Also look for detailed descriptions of settings and configurations, and segregation graphs.

Learning Objective, Cognitive Complexity:

Evaluate. Make judgments based on criteria and standards, through checking and critiquing. Identify, compile, describe, compare, decide, and justify information.

Queries and Results of Interest:

Query: TEM AuNi NPs EELS

Service Result of Interest This Item on DataSearch
Google (not Scholar) Result of Interest   Not Indexed
Google Scholar Result of Interest   Not Indexed
Google Scholar Result of Interest   Not Indexed
Google Scholar Result of Interest   Not Indexed
ScienceDirect Result of Interest   Not Indexed
ScienceDirect Result of Interest   Not Indexed
ScienceDirect Result of Interest   Not Indexed

Query: Gong K, Su D, Adzic RR (2010) Platinum-monolayer shell on AuNi0.5Fe nanoparticle core electrocatalyst with high activity and stability for the oxygen reduction reaction. J Am Chem Soc 132:14364–14366

Service Result of Interest This Item on DataSearch
Google Scholar Result of Interest   Not Indexed

Query: TEM AND AuNi

Service Result of Interest This Item on DataSearch
Web of Science None Not Applicable


Service Result of Interest This Item on DataSearch
Web of Science Result of Interest   Not Indexed